
Being a strategic change engine is challenging. We’re up for the challenge but we need your support. Reach out to us for a conversation or donate below. 

Just Horizons is a 501c3 nonprofit and donations are tax deductible (Tax ID 26-0750389).

Are you among the millions deeply concerned that humanity is on a collision course with the future?

There is something you can do. Big or small, partner with us to support JHA’s programs.

Publishing: Wildhouse Publishing aims to cover 50% of costs through book sales, raising the rest from donors who care about powerful spiritual voices and the transformative literature they create. Donations help to fund the author incubator and to bring incredible books to the world.

Ethics: JHA’s DigEthix initiative focuses on preparing for a complex future through ethical analysis of new and emerging technologies, increasing public awareness of ethical issues, and discovering new ways to encourage the cultivation of personal virtues and humane values.

Research: The Center for Mind and Culture studies newly emerging tech challenges and social problems, and interprets leading-edge research for a broad public. Funding supports up-and-coming researchers and amplifies the impact of prosocial academic research, moving it from the ivory tower into implementation spaces.

Networking: Wildheart Evolution needs funding to connect spiritual innovators and cultural change agents in collaborative networks for strategic thinking about the future, for mutual support, and for positive influence.